
在俄罗斯南部的Novorossiysk的Black Sea Coast的一个石油码头上,已安装了100多个智商转弯智能电动执行器。
IPP是俄罗斯港口操作员NCSP组的一部分。IPP在Novorossiysk(与Novorossiysk Commercial Seaport合作)运营的终端专门用于油产品和植物油的储存和转运。该航站楼为从铁路,公路和船舶运输中接收货物的服务提供服务,然后将其运送到海船中。
The IQ electric actuators have been installed on the quarter-turn rotary disc valves and ball valves that control the flow of petroleum products.
The customer cited the accuracy of regulation, reliability and durability of Rotork’s flow control equipment as reasons for choosing actuators from the IQ range for this application. Electric actuation was preferred over pneumatic or hydraulic options. The lack of any need to build a compressor station to constantly maintain the supply pressure in the pneumatic pipeline, as was the case with previous pneumatic applications, was considered a huge benefit. The ability to work at high temperatures with high salt content in the air was necessary, as the facility is located directly on the Black Sea coast. IQ part-turn actuators can operate within a temperature range of -30 to +70 °C (-22 to +158 °F).
IQT3执行器始终提供可靠的阀门控制和连续的跟踪,即使没有力量,也能归功于创新的绝对编码器。它们是双密封的,并通过IP66/68(20 m持续10天)进行认证,在大气中具有高盐和水位的环境中,这种入口保护至关重要。他们具有高级的双堆叠显示器(允许高清LCD显示器运行到-30°C),可配置的数据记录器技术和具有安全蓝牙连接的设置工具。此设置工具允许运行,审讯和配置最多100米。