



全球流量控制和仪器集团Rotork Plc(“ Rotork”)宣布任命Kiet Huynh为首席执行官(“ CEO”)。Kiet目前是该集团水与化学,工业与工业(“ CPI”)部门的董事总经理。他加入了旋转局,并立即担任首席执行官的角色。

2021年8月,该公司宣布,凯文·霍德特勒(Kevin Hostetler)已将其返回美国的计划告知董事会。凯文(Kevin)今天已经辞职,担任首席执行官,但仍将继续支持平稳的过渡。

Martin Lamb, Chairman of Rotork commented: “I am delighted to have in place a candidate of Kiet’s calibre to succeed Kevin as CEO. During his time with Rotork Kiet has excelled in the leadership of both the CPI division and, more recently, the Water & Power division, with a clear focus on driving profitable growth through close attention to customer needs and a strong commitment to product and service innovation. He has the leadership skills and operational experience to build on the excellent progress made over the last four years through the Growth Acceleration Programme, and to chart a course for accelerated growth in the years ahead.”

“I would like to thank Kevin for his excellent contribution to the business. He hands over a fundamentally much-improved company to his successor. We wish him and his family every success on their return to the US.”

Kiet Huynh说:“我为被任命为Rotork首席执行官感到非常自豪。该集团是一项具有明确目的和战略的世界领先业务,才华横溢,有才华和敬业的人,并具有巨大的增长潜力,以实现可持续的未来。我的职业生涯大部分时间都花在了流控制和仪器领域,为客户和最终用户提供了高价值的解决方案和服务,包括旋转船的最后四年。我期待带领团队推动增长并利用增长加速计划的收益。”

凯文·霍斯特勒(Kevin Hostetler)评论说:“我很高兴董事会选择凯特(Kiet)接替我担任首席执行官。在过去的四年中,我非常享受我在Rotork和Kiet合作的时光。我祝他在他的新角色中有好处,并将继续支持他。”
