
Operating in Angola’s Block 17 offshore oilfield, the giant Total CLOV FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) vessel relies on its HVAC system not only for the comfort and safety of crew members but also to provide a stable operating environment for PLCs and associated critical control equipment.
该应用程序要求精确的精度,以保持大型船舶内许多封闭舱室、办公室、分站和PLC房间的空气质量和通风。温度必须精确控制,空气供应必须恒定,所以当HVAC空气处理机组和冷却水供应需要执行器时,选择Rotork CMA和CVA电动过程控制阀执行器,因为它们的现场性能已得到验证。
与CLOV HVAC维护团队合作,来自Rotork南非的工程师安装并调试了新的执行器,这些执行器是根据Total CLOV船用规范提供的。从现有的4-20 mA控制信号操作,执行器提供精确和响应的阀门位置控制和反馈,具有低于0.1%的重复性和分辨率。安装后,CLOV报告暖通空调以100%效率运行,没有出现故障。
Rotork通过其南非公司及其在安哥拉的南非公司及其代理商,在安哥拉的近海和陆上项目中拥有长期联合。More than 400 heavy-duty Rotork CP and GP pneumatic actuators were supplied for installation in many areas of the CLOV vessel’s processing plant, including those parts designed to limit environmental impact by eliminating flaring under normal operating conditions, recovering heat from turbine exhaust and recovering vent gases. Rotork’s professional performance throughout the duration of that contract and contribution to the timely CLOV start-up was recognised with the letter of appreciation from the vessel’s constructors.