YTC positioners lead the way in tough applications


YTC positioners lead the way in tough applications

Process industries often depend on high performance valve actuation in harsh environments. Despite the difficult surroundings, process plants demand the latest technology, such as smart positioners, which allow technicians to use auto-calibration and simple diagnostics to commission and monitor their entire system at the push of a button. In many cases, the valve, actuator and smart positioner package is exposed to extreme temperatures, dirty conditions and other challenges such as high vibration.

Most instrumentation positioners would fail quickly when subjected to these harsh environments. For example, smart positioners require internal electrical components which are extremely vulnerable at high temperatures and may prematurely fail when exposed. Young Tech Company (YTC) has developed two smart positioner products to thrive under these conditions which have paved the way to expansion and growth in tough process control applications.

Remote sensing unit positioners:
YT-3301介绍了将定位器的传感反馈部分与主控制外壳隔离的概念。传感单元准确检测到阀茎的位置,并向主壳体提供反馈信号。这种双单元设计使操作员可以在距离阀环境相当远的距离处定位精确的电子元素,从而提供两全其美的最佳 - 在阀门移动点处的精度参与度以及电子设备的干净,干燥和环境温度。这也有助于靠近近距离安装多个控制外壳,以方便和节省时间的监视和调整工厂中的阀门。

Triple module remote positioners:
Remotely mounting the sensing unit provides dramatically improved reliability and performance, but at longer distances between the sensing unit and the control housing pneumatic signal loss may occur. In extreme situations this could lead to hunting and oscillation of the electronics and reduced valve and actuator positional stability.

To assure superior performance in these difficult applications, YTC has developed the YT-3302 Positioner. With this product a third module, housing the driving components of the pilot valve and torque motor assembly, is mounted at an intermediate location between the remote sensing unit and the main control unit. Accordingly, the three modules are the sensing unit, driving unit and control housing. As the sensing unit contains the most robust components and the control the most sensitive, this configuration delivers higher performance with dramatically increased positional accuracy.

Added benefits include the ease of maintenance for each of the modules and the ability to gang mount modules at convenient locations. Standardisation of modules and components also facilitates spare part simplification and inventory cost reduction.